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Hey Philly!
Let's get
CPR smart.

Mobile CPR training wherever
you are, whenever you want it.
12,125 trained since 2016

Brenda Halliburton

Cardiac Arrest Survivor

Schedule a Training

Hey Philly!
Let's get
CPR smart.

Mobile CPR training wherever
you are, whenever you want it.

12,125 trained since 2016

Anthony Radico

Cardiac Arrest Survivor

Schedule a Training

Hey Philly!
Let's get
CPR smart.

Mobile CPR training wherever
you are, whenever you want it.

12,125 trained since 2016

Bob Hallinan

Cardiac Arrest Survivor

Schedule a Training

Hey Philly!
Let's get
CPR smart.

Mobile CPR training wherever
you are, whenever you want it.

12,125 trained since 2016

Zach Conrad

Cardiac Arrest Survivor



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A survivors story: Meet Todd

Todd was 27 years old when his heart stopped beating. Luckily, he was outdoors along the banks of the Schuylkill River, and a passerby rushed to his side to help. Recognizing that Todd was in trouble, that hero performed CPR…. and Todd made a full recovery.  After he left the hospital, he went back to work and his life – and recently was married to the woman of his dreams! If more people learned CPR, we could save more people just like Todd.

Support the Mobile CPR Project’s continuing mission to train member of the Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania Community in Hands-only CPR! Your donation will directly support our training and outreach efforts.

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